General Programming Guidance
I've seen a number of threads asking how to get started with programming, so thought I'd give a few ideas on how to start.

First you want to get a good base of knowledge on programming fundamentals and logic. The CS50 - Introduction to Computer Science course by Harvard University is a good introduction to programming and computer science fundamentals and it is free to watch on YouTube.

Once you have a good grasp of key concepts, you then want to pick a programming language to start practising in. Python is probably the easiest to learn and build your understanding with (although other languages like C and SQL may be more useful). 

A good course to follow for Python is "Python for Everybody" by the University of Michigan. The course materials and exercises are available on Coursera and lots of other free to access platforms.

I hope that provides a good idea of how to start to learn programming. If you did find this useful, feel free to donate some credits my way Smile